

its been a while. setahun dah tak bukak blog. huuii

and from now on nak share some tips or places or business or best things to do in life instead of cakap pasal hati ke perasaan ke yang tiada kesudahan. haha

and i have lotsssaaa pictures to post. rajin nak tgk scroll la tak rajin scroll laju laju.

nak share pasal few places in malaysia yg i dah pi. since belum ada kesempatan nak ke luar negara kita share pasal dalam negara dulu.

its just a moment to be shared lah kot. for people yg nak taw lebih sebelum ke destinasi pilihan.

insyaAllah its gonna be a good information. till then, next post will be SEHARI DI BUKIT TINGGI luls. adios